Monday, September 27, 2010

FarmVille Secrets - Getting Started in FarmVille

If you're new to the world of FarmVille, it won't likely take long for you to figure out why this game has captured the imagination of so many people. There are a ton of options when it comes to what seeds you can grow, what buildings and decorations you can put on your farm, and which types of livestock you choose to raise. Because you do have so many options though, it can be a little difficult at first to figure out where to start in order to develop your farm right. 

Expand Slowly

You want to get the most out of your land when you're working in FarmVille. This means that you'll want to clear a substantial amount of land so that you can plant as many crops as possible. You do have to be careful about how much land you clear at once though. It costs 15 coins to clear one plot of land, so if you clear too many at once, you won't have any coins left to buy the seeds you want to plant. 

It's best to slowly expand your plowed plots of land so that you're always able to take full advantage of their planting potential. After each harvest, it's a good idea to replant on all of your current plots first. Once you've done this it will be much easier to figure out how much more land you can afford to clear this time around. Following this pattern will quickly allow you to expand your farm while ensuring that you always have enough money to plant on all of your cleared plots.

Plan Your Harvests

Another aspect of FarmVille that it can be tough to get the hang of at first is timing your harvests right. Each crop you plant in the game will take a particular amount of time to mature. Once a crop is mature, you can harvest it. But don't wait too long. If you don't get back in time, your crops will wither and you'll just have to plow the land again and start over. It's important to plan your plantings so that you'll be able to get back to check on your farm before this happens.

One of the great things about FarmVille is that you can take it as seriously as you want to take it. If you only want to log in once a week, that's fine. Just make sure you plant crops that will last that long. Once you start playing though, it's not likely you'll be able to stay away for very long.

Access the complete guide here.

Monday, September 20, 2010

FarmVille Secrets - Do You Really Need a FarmVille Guide?

I consider myself to be relatively well educated in the newest generation of social networking site games like Mafia Wars, Vampire Wars, and such. That's why when I began to see these FarmVille guides popping up all over the place I was kind of surprised. I mean, I can see why people might need some tips to get going in games like Mafia Wars, but FarmVille?
At this point though I hadn't actually tried the game, but I didn't really think it could be all that complex. I figured I should give it a try though, just so that I could say I knew what I was blogging about. And I was in for a rather big surprise! In no time, I was out of money and had no crops to plant. I have to admit, there were way more to this game than I had expected.
I eventually managed to dig myself out of my original hole and out of the red, but I still wasn't making all that much development. I began to think that maybe I needed to see what these guides were all about. I wasn't really expecting much, but since I hadn't done so well on my own either, I realized it was worth a shot.
So I picked up a guide called FarmVille secrets, and was pleasantly surprised by the tips and tricks I found in it. You wouldn't think there were so many ways you could screw up a virtual farm, but believe me, you can. I was still faltering along at level 6 when I got the guide after 2 weeks of regularly playing. Now I'm the proud owner of a plantation and a level 26 Sultan of Soil. And I still look back at my guide from time to time. If you're having trouble getting into the swing of things in FarmVille, this guide is not a bad investment.